Irritable in a sentence as an adjective

For instance, baby boys are more irritable than girls.

On the whole, I have a lot more energy, though I have been told that I'm a lot more irritable now.

Am I the only person who becomes extremely irritable once their blood sugar gets low?

Sure, you could describe the post as aggressive, intolerant, and irritable.

I wake up feeling terrible; groggy, mild headache, irritable.

The 3x 21" 1080p panels on my desktop feel distractingly blurry and they make me irritable to work on for long periods of time.

"There is something about Kickstarter that makes HN irritable, hoping for failure.

Most writing that can be described as aggressive, intolerant, and irritable could be improved by making it less so.

At some point he got irritable with me and basically told me I was wasting his time and that he would be willing to talk to me if he thought it might go somewhere.

"This is why journalists are irritable about "narrative journalism", about fudging the facts in the service of some underlying truth.

Likewise, high counts of the bacteria Treponema have been linked to maladies like Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

But once they are ahead, they become the lightning rod. No longer are the headlines "Car pollution causes asthma in kids", they are now "Toyota cars give inner city kids asthma", or instead of "Movie violence causes kids to be more irritable" it becomes "Billion dollar Batman movie causes man to shoot brother".

In unrelated news, doctors announced unprecedented drops in the number of 20-40 year olds suffering from migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and insomnia.

Optimists have what Keats referred to as high negative capability: they are capable of "being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason".As a practical matter, I think it helps to honor both the negative and the positive.

While I agree that the normal connotation of addiction is something that is destructive, I've expanded my definition of addiction to something that is a "mood altering dependency".Previously, if I didn't meditate regularly, I would get irritable and become less harmonious.

Irritable definitions


easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"


abnormally sensitive to a stimulus


capable of responding to stimuli

See also: excitable