Invigoration in a sentence as a noun

It is so much easier just to give up. Part of the reason I think people come here is the invigoration of seeing other minds at work.

However, it seems like this is a chance for some real invigoration in PL research agendas.

You will get all the benefits of a total mental reset, lasting invigoration for life and your fellow man, clean thoughts about where you stand, and love.

For all you know, you'll have met the partner of your dreams at the bar down the road after you get back from your travels, because you are full of stories and invigoration.

Alternatively, in the summer, take cold showers for invigoration, especially if you feel sleepy in the morning.

Having lunch at my desk is the worst - I feel as I've been cheated: no change of scenery, no social engagement, no unplugging from the machine, no re-invigoration.

I appreciate their re-imagination and invigoration of this hobby and hope to get my son interested when he's a bit older.

It’s also worth noting that this has happened before in SF multiple times, to varying degrees, and the result has generally been an invigoration of culture in one way or another.

There is even a wikipedia article on it [1]However, convective invigoration by aerosols is a different issue.

You're mistaken if you believe that "discipline, enlightenment, and intellectual invigoration" are at odds with being an interesting and attractive person.

He served as Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition between 2001 and 2003, during which he was responsible for overseeing the re-invigoration of the FTC’s non-merger enforcement program.

I don't think the substances themselves should ever become a lifestyle, but the clarity and spiritual invigoration that they can help to provide and maintain, along with other practices like meditation, can make life much richer.

Invigoration definitions


quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous

See also: animation spiritedness brio vivification


the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something

See also: vivification animation