Inveigh in a sentence as a verb

So we can inveigh there where gaps remain.

Wise team leads and managers do not point to their job title and inveigh "Respect mah authority!

But the Federal US government was never intended to be bully pulpit for the Christian right or inveigh on it.

Though I would be pressed to find where he specifically inveighs against long-term national deficit spending.

Every time you see someone inveigh against a particular system that has been in place for a long time, you should ask: "I wonder why that system was put there?

It’s not much for a free photo.”> This incident shows that CC evangelists can be just as controlling and litigious as the conventional copyright holders they inveigh against.

Is he even a litigator?Do I get to inveigh against all software developers every time armed drone C&C software plays a role in killing a civilian somewhere?

The corporate norms we have now in North America are not etched in stone; we can inveigh against shitty behaviour while also doing what you suggest: electing better politicians and pursuing fairer tax policy.

Here's the beginning of that section, which generally inveighs against protectionist retraints on trade, most especially the "Corn Laws" -- limitations on grain imports to England:By restraining, either by high duties or by absolute prohibitions, the importation of such goods from foreign countries as can be produced at home, the monopoly of the home market is more or less secured to the domestic industry employed in producing them.

Inveigh definitions


complain bitterly

See also: rail


speak against in an impassioned manner; "he declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society"

See also: declaim