Intricacy in a sentence as a noun

You can add the flashy design intricacy later if you want, but I hope that most people won't.

For me, I wouldn't say it was well designed because of it's intricacy.

A project I'm working on with a similar level of intricacy as BigTable has way less than 100K, and that's in a language more verbose than Java.

No one knows anything if you assert that you don't truly know what something is unless you understand every minute intricacy of it. Most people wouldn't define gravity as an object moving in a straight line through space time.

Their boringness is actually what makes them a good punchline, when contrasted with the intricacy of the systems they describe, but without that set-up, they're just boring.

And in what universe CDOs, et al, not risky investments?My understanding about Glass-Steagall isn't so much that it directly led to the crisis, although for all I know maybe there's some intricacy there that I'm missing.

Somewhat ironic that this detail of how teletypewriters work was not carried over into Unix whereas every intricacy of how video terminals worked still is with us today.

And another intricacy is that the continuous supply of the very same chip is not a sure thing: suppliers move on to the next design year after year and it's another issue to resupply it over and over again over time.

I first read it as part of a class back in my university days, and it's definitely hard to grasp the incredible intricacy, detail, and even humor in every page without having someone to help guide you in your first reading.

When we recognize our place in an immensity of lightyears and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual.

"Does something that sounds about as scientific as "point and guess"..."The intricacy of the regular patterns of holes, ridges and indentations are again unquestionably biological, and this is impossible to interpret rationally as arising from an inorganic crystallisation process.

Intricacy definitions


marked by elaborately complex detail

See also: elaborateness elaboration involution