Intestate in a sentence as an adjective

You should not spend the money of people who died intestate in a way that many would have opposed.

If the parent died and a will wasn't found, the estate is handled via "laws of intestate succession.

" When a person dies intestate, or without a will, the laws of the state where they resided determine how their estate is distributed.

> Because it's your body, not your family's bodyA dead person can't own property, which is why wills, trusts, and laws of intestate succession exist.

> Pot is something traded in intestate commerceSorry, I should have specified that I meant "grown for private consumption".

Marriage for example is not just symbolic, it also confers rights to a partner's pension contributions, their assets if they happen to die intestate etc. Thiel may be able to fill many of these gaps with expensive legal arrangements that others can't afford.

An unexpected death in my family caused a falling out/estrangement situation which jeopardized our cellular service, along the lines of an intestate inheritance, forfeited property, decades of fraud/extortion...and my borderline personality mother becoming enraged at the fact that we would now be reassessing my family's troubled history in the wake of this tragedy.

Intestate definitions


having made no legally valid will before death or not disposed of by a legal will; "he died intestate"; "intestate property"