Interweave in a sentence as a verb

You still might interweave your draw commands, causing issues.

Gotta find a way to interweave them sensibly.

That's why Swift does support unnamed parameters as well, and they can interweave with named ones.

Games tend to include procedural elements and interweave them with handcrafted ones.

The problem with class components is that code for a lifecycle is broken across multiple functions and interweaved with other effects.

Good question, there aren't exactly any good tools that interweave several languages into the same environment.

It's rare to find something that shows both the orbit's and their horisontal velocity fairly accuratly without making it look like they interweave.

Twenty years ago you could buy a single CD that would interweave video, audio, text, pictures, and interactive elements into a cohesive whole that felt much more alive.

I think the hardest part to think about is how you interweave the effects like people do in hooks as one output becomes the input for another, but I think this is probably the wrong way to think about it.

My favourite line:"In the tech startup world, technology is important for success"It reminds me of the superficial essay writing structure I had to use in high school, lacking any technical detail but trying to use broad examples, stating the obvious and then trying to interweave some vague points as "filler.

Interweave definitions


interlace by or as if by weaving

See also: weave