Interval in a sentence as a noun

Why not use a time system in which you could subtract two times from each other to get the interval between them?

Kinda damages your quasi-rant to find out that you simply... didn't compare the graphs over the same interval.

Data would be purged at some unpredictable interval.

I've worked in places where my ultimate client billable rate was obscene, and tracked to the 6min or 15min interval, but we also had "house time" for other projects.

Not after a very small interval of time, but absolutely instantaneously.

This latter can be mitigated with a smaller polling interval but the smaller this interval the more CPU you use.- Systemd supports on-demand starting of services.

A "frequentist" confidence interval will always achieve its guaranteed coverage no matter what, if the likelihood function is true.

[edit: apologies, I had to run and get ready for work -- I didn't really have time to make this very comprehensible; but i just now fixed a bug in my confidence interval stuff above]

>Have you ever been woken up by a nagios page that automatically cleared after five minutes because the incoming queue was delayed past the alert interval?No, because I know how to configure escalations properly.>Have you ever had your browser crash because you click on the wrong thing in the designed-in-1996-and-never-updated nagios interface and had your browser crash because it dumps 500MB of logs to your screen?Actually, no.

At least that's how I would want it to work.> And if so, how much convenience does Sold's wrapper over this process give me over just directly using the service itself?If all the effort and risk of selling an item is abstracted away as I suggested above, then that would be a great deal of value added, at least for me.> Now if I were selling lots of things in a fairly regular does Sold scale?I don't know the numbers yet, but I'd have to guess you'd be better off managing your own sales and shipping at that point.

Interval definitions


a definite length of time marked off by two instants


a set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints


the distance between things; "fragile items require separation and cushioning"

See also: separation


the difference in pitch between two notes