Interrogative in a sentence as a noun

But instead of uhm, I'll end a statement on a rising tone as in an interrogative?

If the answer to this was "yes", it would be phrased in a declarative rather than interrogative manner.

The "we are" is in a subordinate clause, and the subordinate clause is not structured for the interrogative.

The rising tone at the end of a sentence used in a non-interrogative context is called uptalk or a high rising terminal [1].

When you see a procedure, you brain should be switching immediately to an interrogative mode, what side effects is this code upto, should this thing exist?

Younger americans are adopting an interrogative tone for sentences that are supposed to be statements.

Interrogative in a sentence as an adjective

I try to make sure my assumptions are correct, then try to list all the problems and suggest fixes in the simplest manner in interrogative form so the person clicks deeply and peacefully.

Basically because putting something preposterous in an interrogative way in the header is a very easy way of link-baiting.

" as a programming lexeme versus just an interrogative sentence that ends with "true"?Sometimes we forget that Google and the other search engines aren't a byte-for-byte search across the entire web.

For some reason the color gradients changed the intonation with which I read it--so the whole thing sounded, in my mind's ear, like an eighties valley girl, replete with uptalk, aka the "moronic interrogative.

That Greenwald's tone is not sufficiently interrogative and peppered with "claims" and "alleges" and "supposes"?There's no substantive difference between "It was followed by Yahoo in 2008" and "The document claims it was followed by Yahoo in 2008.

Interrogative definitions


a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"

See also: question interrogation


some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood


relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood; "not all questions have an interrogative construction"


relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation

See also: interrogatory