Interloper in a sentence as a noun

Well, truth be told, I'm a bit of an interloper.

****, there's lots of places where C99 is the exotic interloper.

It can solve the problems of trusted blockchain - but you still have the social problem of interloper.

For starters, can the decryption system know it is seeing the "real" Bitcoin blockchain and not that of an interloper?

You're right on the disclosure issue and cost issue - but I've always been more concerned with voting rights, which a strange interloper would certainly have.

I find it amusing how VCs and other Silicon Valley types are rushing to the aid of one of their own now that a perceived interloper is around.

But I digress, the point is not that a master password will keep a determined or informed interloper out, it is that it will "keep an honest person honest.

The NSA is the interloper in American society and a latecomer to government.

So after the "interloper" left, I asked if they would be happy if they were treated the way they treated the salesperson when we go out for our own unsolicited pitch.

However, most people I argue this to are always afraid of this, afraid that some interloper will sneak through unless we put them through a gauntlet of questions regarding things they'll never do in their day to day life.

The language has had an answer for this all along; it was generic "he" that was the interloper, and this was at least partly for ideological reasons—the British parliament even passed a bill in 1850 mandating it!

The incident at PyCon: Conversation interloper becomes offended on behalf of non-present female children by the contents of a conversation that she was interloping.

There's ten guys here sleeping every night, and tonight there's one outsider checking door handles and prowling, well, there's going to be ten really pissed off guys if the interloper succeeds, so you do the math on what happens to the one interloper...There is also a lot of bias in that RV national park touring means visiting civilized rural areas not uncivilized urban areas.

Interloper definitions


someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission

See also: intruder trespasser