Interlacing in a sentence as an adjective

No, the trick is just that he is interlacing himself, didn't you notice?

Instead of that, the author could just talk about why interlacing was used in video in the past.

Even though it is interlacing faster than the eye can see for some reason it still felt weird to look at it.

The real deal is much harder on the eyes than the emulator, the interlacing flashes are a headache.

I think he went off the rails a bit with the suggestion of interlacing as a potential solution.

The p/i denotes a method of displaying the image, either through interlacing[0] or progressive scan[1].

The really saddest part is when news video is imported from a region with opposite interlacing and the fields are reversed when broadcast.

I feel you in the pain of dealing with interlacing, but Carmack was envisaging a more flexible solution than plain two up interlacing.

In particular his solution also made HDR imaging possible, which sounds like a worthwhile win to compensate for the pain of interlacing.

On the source material, yes. But display devices may introduce some delay on the video due to scaling, de-interlacing, temporal noise reduction, and whatever other processing is done.

Lesson learned: LCD monitors are absolutely horrible at interlacing.

I like the multi line gap interlacing idea: each individual gap creating its designated frame; but i wonder if you've considered scanning the lines from the middle out in both directions.. is this possible?

Proper Noun Examples for Interlacing

Interlacing is a major such phenomenon; most emulators still simply treat the 60 fields per second as 60 distinct frames rather than interlacing them.

Interlacing definitions


linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing

See also: interlinking interlocking interwoven