Interject in a sentence as a verb

Please don't interject that kind of rudeness here.

And some of us know how to steer clear of such issues, and when to interject.

Hi thereI have to interject here - not to blow my own trumpet, but as a 'point of fact'.

People that interject with an opposing view, even one they don't believe.

I think most people are just put off by his constant need to interject himself into the stories.

Have to interject here on the off chance that some gmail engineers are paying attention.

Sorry to interject a facebook question into this thread, but I do want to read what you wrote....And they're right.

He was paid by the company to interject with quips during the demos, so any rudeness is understood by both parties.

Generally it starts with 'I'd just like to interject for a moment'Edit: evidence that the first paragraph is real?

I don't like it when corporations interject themselves into politics.

Rather than looking at how to interject ads into social media, or to otherwise hijack a fraction of the collective attention span of your userbase that you can then sell to the highest bidder, instead look at how to leverage social functionality to put tools into people's hands to help them help themselves in the service of commerce.

Interject definitions


to insert between other elements; "She interjected clever remarks"

See also: interpose inject