Intercessor in a sentence as a noun

There has been quite a bit of study of intercessory prayer.

I believe nearly all Christians engage in intercessory prayer at least once in a great while.

It is reasonable to assume that they are in such a state and thus engage them in intercessory prayer like any other saint.

Well, some people still do. Examples include homeopathy, intercessory prayer, and those guys who make YouTube videos of themselves chanting at you to cure diseases somehow.

And if it turns out you do actually genuinely need to directly contact the complainant, contact information can be asked of the intercessor.

This article proves the evidence is flawed based on scientific process and concludes the evidence that isn't flawed points to a non-correlation between intercessory prayer and how it can help.

A significant number of undisputed miracles are attributed to the Saints, and Marian apparitions, and Eucharistic miracles, and intercessory miracles.

Facebook/spotify/whatever else is an intercessor between you and your group of friends and peers, removing the patterns of social interactions surrounding our formation of likes and dislikes and replacing them with an anonymized distillation of what other people enjoy.

Intercessor definitions


a negotiator who acts as a link between parties

See also: mediator go-between intermediator intermediary