Insulting in a sentence as an adjective

I'm no fan of Ballmer, but I think "insulting OEMs" is one of the good things he did.

" - Note this doesn't apply to you, only we will be insulting prima donnas.

It's wrong, insulting, and counter-productive to everyone who's trying to build the next great app.

It's almost insulting to everyone who does, legitimately, have a gripe with EA as a company.

A post about etiquette that calls someone out by name, with an insulting headline?Face-to-face is the right channel for this sort of pointed criticism.

I won't edit my previous comment but let me add some things:I didn't mean to be insulting but if you want it to be a democratic movement you have to avoid inside jokes at all cost.

My jokes demonstrate what you've been allowing for years but only seem to care about now that it's insulting your own ethos of the "uber hacker scientist ruling the world":You guys love cruelty and insult, I'm proof.

"They purposefully allow this glaringly obvious mechanism for insulting and annoying their members and are actually involved in the joke.

"It gets under my skin because it is a pompous, privileged, insulting, and myopic viewpoint which reeks of class warfare and it is indicative of a growing sentiment I see amongst people in the tech community.

It is insulting to Mozilla, which has been working in good faith on these negotiations from the beginning, and to Mayer, who it patronizingly describes as "just a volunteer who hangs around the offices of Mozilla.

His attempt to claim he intended responsible disclosure only after faced with criminal action is false and insulting to the community of responsible security researchers.

Insulting definitions


expressing extreme contempt

See also: contemptuous disdainful scornful