Institutionalise in a sentence as a verb

In fact, the absolute worst thing you can do with someone whose still "fighting" is to institutionalise them.

I don't have any useful suggestions for how to institutionalise scepticism that won't also bring far worse chilling effects.

I'm surprised this hasn't been contested - doesn't it seem discriminatory to those who don't want to institutionalise their relationship?

You can't just label everything which you don't like as "uncivil" or "rude" and even it if is, overcome it and internalise, don't institutionalise.

The only way to truly outperform is to institutionalise openness, continual improvement, and learning from our mistakes.

Reading this article reminded me of the scenes from the film, Shawshank redemption.\nYou know, where Brooks got released, but was institutionalised for so long that he couldn't cope with the outside world and commits *******?

The feature request is to add the ability to hide your gender, not to institutionalise co-opting of "other" as "not disclosed".I bet the post was read by a lot more people because it was written by Randall Munroe.

Slavery, institutionalised racism and sexism, foot-binding, debtor's prisons, despotism, pedophilia; all examples of practices deriving from ancient wisdom that today are considered unacceptable.

Institutionalise definitions


cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution; "After the second episode, she had to be committed"; "he was committed to prison"

See also: commit institutionalize send charge