Instantaneousness in a sentence as a noun

I think that's one reason SMS is so successful - the near instantaneousness of it.

What you can't automate away into instantaneousness is the delay of waiting a day for a paper to get there.

It takes 5-7 seconds for the monitor to wake back up versus the almost instantaneousness of the 27" Thunderbolt.

The instantaneousness of it is not related to the historical article at all -- it's just a way to shoehorn in Mathematica.

Einstein described quantum mechanics as "spooky" because of the __instantaneousness__ of the apparent remote interaction...

I understand that Twitter is an impressive piece of engineering given the scale and instantaneousness at which it operates.

I've grown to love the efficiency and instantaneousness of everything on my utterly predictable libre *nix desktop.

I specifically chose to OD because I figured it would do the trick and the fact that going out in euphoria seemed to me to be the next best thing from the instantaneousness of a bullet.

The production and assimilation of new distinctiveness will approach instantaneousness.

The assimilation of new distinctiveness will approach instantaneousness.

Instantaneousness definitions


the quickness of action or occurrence; "the immediacy of their response"; "the instancy of modern communication"

See also: immediacy immediateness instancy