Insane in a sentence as an adjective

This is why the whole "real name" trend is insane to me.

Like Notch said... "you are an insane idiot!".

Maybe I'm insane, but when someone says "is the cash worth it to these founders?

There's a lot that I don't like about Google, but I do like that they're ******* insane.

20 years ago the idea that you couldn't lend a book you own to your friend or loan them the new album you just bought would have seemed insane.

Therefore, it no longer needs to impose insane-looking licensing terms on persons wanting to post to its site and it has dropped those terms.

The only thing propping up these insane prices is the scarcity induced by the current bubble in the foreign investment housing market.

The price system in financial and real estate markets is completely insane and basically non-functioning.

He recently went on some kind of insane power trip, completely disregarding the needs of his customers, putting me on unpaid leave for ... reporting an incident of fraud to a bank.

As opposed to the endless steam of first person shooters that came before it that were even more straightforward, simplistic, and violence-driven?Blaming Microsoft for this is insane.

In some cases, it is entrenched special interests demanding these things; the sum of these policies may be insane but the politicians do not care as long as the special interests are happy.

Most Europeans must just be laughing and pointing fingers at the insane political correctness in America and more specifically, the hacker community these days.

That, to my thinking, is the only reason why CL would have taken the otherwise insane-looking step of changing its terms of use to demand that posters give it an exclusive license to all items posted to the CL site.

Windows does this when it boots up and it drives me insane -- if the OS or program isn't in a usable state when you show it to me, don't show it to meLoading speed is just one of a multitude of factors that come into play when making software.

Insane definitions


afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"


very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains"

See also: harebrained