Innocence in a sentence as a noun

Assumption of innocence is the de facto state for all crimes.

It's possible, of course, that there was no innocence in any of the cases I know about.

The message seems to be, "If you assert your rights or your innocence, we'll make life very difficult for you.

Being an "innocent bystander" is not true innocence.

It was an overlap of our youth, the loss of innocence, and the explosion of this new universe.

Many are jumping to the conclusion that this is the innocence of a curious mind that loves science and nothing more.

I'm further shocked that the accused is under the obligation to prove innocence instead of the other way around.

Meaning if a lawsuit is brought about, it's not about proving innocence anymore, it's about mitigating the damages you will have to pay.

After the woman was put in prison: if she was afraid, this proved her guilt; if she was not afraid, this proved her guilt, for witches characteristically pretend innocence and wear a bold front.

They not only use these to practice, going over the "play by play" if you will, but also during the aforementioned race committee hearings, to establish innocence or wrongdoing.

This kind of tinkering, exploring attitude is so wonderful, even just as an observer to this story it makes me feel like I'm regaining my childhood innocence again.

Interesting asymmetry: if A calls B a racist, the onus of proof is on B to defend themself, and the standard for innocence is so high that this is usually impossible.

"Switzerland's ridiculous privacy laws"You mean those "ridiculous" kind of laws where peoples privacy is protected against media-exploitation during that equally ridiculous "presumption of innocence" bit that is part of due process?Those silly Swiss, not to allow mere allegations to destroy peoples lives.

Innocence definitions


the quality of innocent naivete

See also: artlessness ingenuousness naturalness


the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil

See also: purity pureness sinlessness whiteness


a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense; "the trial established his innocence"