Informant in a sentence as a noun

If everybody's an informant, make a game of it.

This would mean that while "Sabu" was an informant, many of the hacks performed were sanctioned by the FBI.

Start with small arrests, work your way up, get someone at the top level to be an informant, take everyone down.

Rat out your enemies to the authorities, better yet rat out the informants as rabble rousers...4.

But, unlike the informant, the public has no way to parallelize the computation of the chains.

It's similar to the process that works when the FBI/DEA has a highly-placed informant in a criminal organization.

No doubt they will pin all this on the informant despite the fact that the prosecutors are complete scum that thought they could get away with hiding evidence.

Populated by hardened offenders, it is among the last places a nonviolent government informant would want to be.

If you go down for hacking and do not become an informant, you will find job offers inside the pen for teaching other criminals comsec so they can run their outside drug operations.

A state actor would merely have to obtain the identity of one key in a series of transactions on the blockchain, and would gain far more information than any informant could provide.

So this is like a textbook attempt at entrapment, its akin to giving someone a key to a door but telling them its legal to open it with, someone being an informant, to take them down after.

However that changed with the Laden killing which in a way vindicated the insurgents as the chief informant was a doctor affiliated with the polio program.

If you know all comms are monitored, and don't ever say anything incriminating on the phone, you're better off than someone who has an unbreakable encrypted phone but is talking to an informant with a recorder on the other end.

Proper Noun Examples for Informant

Snowden should be called a "public informant", not a leaker, whistleblower, etc. Typically, informants are insiders who help police, etc. "Informant" has a positive connotation.

So if the government has their informants: FBI informant, police informant, etc. we the people should have a "Public Informant".

Informant definitions


a person who supplies information

See also: source


someone who sees an event and reports what happened

See also: witness witnesser