Infatuation in a sentence as a noun

There's a huge infatuation with mobile apps these days that's not based on reality.

At best, you'll experience what I have: infatuation that I hope never goes away.

Not sure why you have such an infatuation with Google, but I dare say: Everything in moderation.

Yeah, the "pathological infatuation with firearms" bit struck me as out of place among the other issues.

I'm not that much of a fan of the VC infatuation with winning on a handful of "unicorns" and "super-unicorns.

Even though I was as old as his niece, I had written some 5k loc in C purely self taught to make pixels flock...weird infatuation with cgi at that age.

The same type of lax logic can be observed in the world's infatuation with the dramatic rise of Japan in the 80s, dubbed the "Japanese Miracle".

The world has its infatuation with that formula, and like the Tamagotchi and everything else that came before it, will tire of it soon enough.

She argued that societal infatuation with "having the courage of your convictions" is not the redeeming quality it's made out to be.

The master barely even moves and puts the guy on his ***."I think infatuation with event-driven i/o is one of those intermediate programmer things.

Putting effort into an infatuation elevates it from a passing delightful thought into a serious, long-term passion.

The article is about Internet publishers' obsessive infatuation about the meta aspects of Internet publishing.

"Im not going to list all the things that make WP at odds with best practises, but here are the brass tacks"There is a strange paradox that an infatuation with best practices seldom yields a successful product...because it seldom yields a product at all.

Scott Pilgrim had some of the most affecting moments in recent cinematic memory when sampling Nintendo classics - the combination of young adult infatuation and the Zelda wishing-well fairy music was fantastic.

I used to be one of those guys who would build his own PC and spend hours overclocking everything for the maximum performance gain but I do not understand this;What's the infatuation with performance in a cell phone?Snappy is snappy but there are diminishing returns here past a certain point; I think Anand stated it best when he said it is "the most future-proof of any iPhone ever launched"

Infatuation definitions


a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration


temporary love of an adolescent

See also: crush


an object of extravagant short-lived passion