Inefficient in a sentence as an adjective

The way it was done was very inefficient, frustratingly so.

Suddenly, the large firms looked bloated, overstaffed, and inefficient.

Crazy, new fangled, inefficient languages eat the lunch of older languages every single time.

We look around and see these industries burdened by regulation, which tends to create entrenched players and which seem to us to be inefficient.

Making a dozen API calls to populate a single screen is not only inefficient, it can be very frustrating to your users.

I failed to refactor a fill detection algorithm which was functional and fully tested, but memory inefficient.

What he's essentially trying to argue is that:> Simulating them [side effects] with pure functions is doomed to be inefficient, complicated and even ugly.

Think of it this way: what if your target market was dominated by companies that charge way too much, are extremely inefficient, and are carrying a huge, ever-growing cost basis?

And unless you are charging top-end rates, the overhead of marketing yourself and picking up envelopes of cash at Starbucks is probably an inefficient use of time.

Favouring conservative taxation in favour of purported "individualism" is not only selfish, but highly inefficient.

I would argue that one reason mature industries seem inefficient to us is that it's been so long since we've encountered the problems the regulatory 'inefficiencies' were meant to address, that we've forgotten why our ancestors put them in place.

Although indexing is predicated on efficient markets, the higher the percentage of all investors who index, the more inefficient the markets become as fewer and fewer investors would be performing research and fundamental analysis of equities.

I think the element you are missing is that the Greek government spending is very inefficient; they're not investing in some kind of economy-growing infrastructure revolution, they're spending money on totally unreasonable union contracts and extraordinarily early retirement for large classes of pensioners.

Inefficient definitions


not producing desired results; wasteful; "an inefficient campaign against drugs"; "outdated and inefficient design and methods"


lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers"

See also: ineffective