Inconvenience in a sentence as a noun

These programs, hidden in the background, don't inconvenience you, or lead to loss of freedom or property.

All this inconvenience for an organization that in its 12 years has yet to even catch a real terrorist.

I know it's an easy analogy to reach for, but I wish that writers would think twice before comparing some trivial inconvenience to being raped.

They'd sooner do away with DRM as it adds significant cost and complexity yet only serves to inconvenience their users.

Yes, his neuroses do at times inconvenience the rest of the group but his belief that they see him as a nuisance is dismissed as his own insecurity rather than the truth.

Inconvenience in a sentence as a verb

Even if you succeed, all you've achieved is to protect one solitary person at the cost of considerable personal inconvenience.

The transfer may have occurred at a higher than list price for something that was bought, to make up for the ongoing inconvenience of receiving a payment using the new Bitcoin payment mechanism.

Since the majority of websites even today work relatively well in IE[6-8], the inconvenience of occasional breakage does not outweigh the inertia of IE[6-8] users.

It includes charging activists with laws intended for violent terrorists, so that arrest is no longer a minor inconvenience, but a life-altering event.

There's nothing surprising about the German tolerance of the US military bases, considering that they do nothing whatsoever to interfere with our lives or inconvenience us in any way, but do provide quite a lot of jobs.

Inconvenience definitions


an inconvenient discomfort

See also: incommodiousness


a difficulty that causes anxiety

See also: troublesomeness worriment


the quality of not being useful or convenient


to cause inconvenience or discomfort to; "Sorry to trouble you, but..."

See also: trouble disoblige discommode incommode bother