Incomputable in a sentence as an adjective

It is of course incomputable, but it is what you would get if you had infinite computing power.

Yeah, but you can describe many incomputable numbers.

The argument was never that a program could become incomputable, but that it is much more than merely what happens when it is run

Can it be avoided at all?Some problems are incomputable, like finding the shortest program to reproduce a larger string.

The simplest one uses the bits of Chaitin’s constant, an incomputable number, to solve Halting in polynomial time.

Indescribable numbers are not the incomputable numbers- Chaitin's constant's a nice one, it's the proportion of Turing machines that halt.

If no physical system can compute incomputable functions, then it's special pleading to insist that there's a difference between natural laws and mathematical laws.

So it's incomputable in general whether or not you've got the best learning algorithm for your sense-data: whether it compresses your observations optimally.

"The result of such an explosion is that problems, like shortest path problems, grow so quickly as to become practically incomputable, taking a practically infinite amount of time to solve.

We should be much more concerned that there has been no meaningful banking reform since the 2008 crisis, and that banks are still gambling on dangerous derivatives whose real risks are unknown and quite possibly incomputable.

Incomputable definitions


beyond calculation or measure; "of incalculable value"; "an incomputable amount"; "jewels of inestimable value"; "immeasurable wealth"

See also: inestimable immeasurable