Incommunicado in a sentence as an adjective

It's not like jwz was dead or trapped incommunicado in the arctic.

For other stuff you could have a PDA that wouldn't leave you incommunicado if it ran out of juice.

I think he answers your question: "That's because in 47 percent of cases, prisoners in Sweden are held incommunicado.

If we don't want them, why do we hold them incommunicado in a prison?Or is that irrational fantasy world logic?

It's still odd for a business to go generally incommunicado, though.

Being able to contact a dev about their code through their GitHub account is much better than fake addresses that leave you incommunicado.

"Lessig is a giant, imagine how much it would take to hurt a man of such stature that he needs to recover incommunicado and contrast that with the piece written by Mrs. Ortiz.

The only circumstances in which they would be alive would be if it was a hijacking, the plane landed relatively safely, and they were being held hostage & incommunicado somewhere.

Of course, such actions are also restrictive of speech in two ways - directly, since being dead or incommunicado is an insurmountable barrier to expression, and indirectly, since members of the group in question are intimidated from speaking up - but since the deleterious effects on free speech are incidental to the proposed harm, constitutional modesty is preserved.

Incommunicado definitions


without the means or right to communicate; "a prisoner held incommunicado"; "incommunicado political detainees"