Inclining in a sentence as a noun

C isn't made for JIT because it's static; that's why inclining exists.

If your image situation is so dire that the inclining and spriting are more important than those... well it just doesn't sound like fun.

Perhaps this isn't an entirely unreasonable request, I'm inclining to take your side on this.

And it's quite likely that a good number people who studied the field for decades had some inclining, perhaps buried deep in the back of their mind, that it was a bunch of ****.

The way they are acting I feel like with people inclining towards "ethical" side of the spectrum leaving facebook and the culture is going to shift more and more into unethical.

After signing emails this way many coworkers now put prefix symbols to their sigs because they think it looks cool, but I suspect only the geeks have an inclining as to why I do it.

Not to rationalize my behavior, but I do think the typos were a large part of what gave me a bad impression, inclining me to question whether it was up to the site's standards.

So I'm not sure what to do. I suspect the majority of the users were not exposed to GIS systems, and that the GIS exposed users will check the parameters better, so I'm inclining in taking y,x in favor of the average person that like me thinks latitude,longitude is normal.

Anyone inclining towards the view that comments are harmful, as good code is always self-documenting, should ponder the amount of debate that has already gone into this one tiny issue.

Since they can't make ad impressions on iOS users, maybe some of those sites will start offering a limited experience to iOS web users, inclining them to click that popup and install the app, where they will see ads that make Apple money.

Ideologically I am of this inclining since I don't think the government has a right to determine what people should or should not be able to put in their own body, but at the same time I also think this is a path that is detrimental for society.

Anyone involved in these sort of studies would pain themselves to find reputable scholars of Sunni Islam propogating or inclining toward Darwinist thought to the degree of the aforementioned groups that are traditionally established to be deviated from the main stream.

I missed your edit in my first reply, but I just want to point out that if you are supportive of resisting equality unless you're being flattered, you are showing selfishness and rudeness of the highest order, and if you somehow think this is representative of your gender, it's certainly not inclining me to a positive stigma.

Inclining definitions


the act of inclining; bending forward; "an inclination of his head indicated his agreement"

See also: inclination