Inauthentic in a sentence as an adjective

No, he's got some decent concepts, but the way he uses them comes off as inauthentic.

" In fact, it's more likely to come off as inauthentic fluff than actual politeness.

This is, like, soooo un-grass-roots and inauthentic it hurts!

They're three white Yale graduates trying way too hard and ultimately being inauthentic.

Makes it feel very inauthentic, as though they were really hoping they'd be able to sweep it under the rug.

He means they are inauthentic likes, aka likes from real people who don't actually like what they're clicking the Like button on.

Dont underestimate the importance of "inauthentic fluff" -- such is the basis of courtesy and grace.

This seems like a tween product - too inauthentic to appeal to Commodore 64 fans and too ugly to appeal to anyone looking for a media PC.

On the other hand, I would probably be able to pick out inauthentic talk about cryptography pretty easily.

This is Sartres bad faith, the phenomenon whereby a human being adopts false values because of social pressure, and is thus living a charade, an inauthentic life.

I'm the kind of person who "reacts to the inefficiency of The System"[0], but I also have a bone to pick with a lot of the worthless, inauthentic symbolic "rituals" that most people perform unquestioningly.

For many users, this suspicion extends to corporations as a whole, since the profit motive poisons any interaction a company has with consumers; any interaction is dismissed as inauthentic.

Inauthentic definitions


intended to deceive; "a spurious work of art"

See also: unauthentic spurious