Immutability in a sentence as a noun

It's so easy to reason about what the code is doing, and immutability leads to far fewer bugs.

In a strict language, though, I think immutability is a side-show, what matters is ownership and change visibility.

Please do not talk about immutability as if it necessarily means having a naive implementation like this.

The big one is immutability, which makes code easier to reason about, and vastly simplifies multithreaded code compared to its D or C++ counterparts.

The cascading methods on query objects create new query objects as it should be. Mutating objects with cascading methods is horrible API design as it suggests immutability where there is none.

They figured they'd need immutability, process isolation, and message passing.

If in addition the arguments are not \n > mutable, a function is called “strongly pure”.\n\nIn Rust, immutability is the default, and you must always opt in to mutability.

The immutability is really just an annoying side show [2], what matters is that the language has strictly value-only semantics for inter-process communication.

It is a fundamental mathematical statement about the relationship between mutability and immutability at this particular scale.

How to you cheaply and easily memoize a function without GC, where the function returns a value that must be allocated on the heap, but might be shared?Writing code that leans towards expressions rather than statements, functions rather than procedures, immutability rather than mutability, referentially transparent rather than side-effecting and stateful, gives you big advantages.

Immutability definitions


the quality of being incapable of mutation; "Darwin challenged the fixity of species"

See also: immutableness fixity