Immoral in a sentence as an adjective

Or is it null and void simply because its immoral?

If the war on ***** is immoral, is it not immoral for you to pay for it?

Perhaps you should reflect on why immoral behavior would result in people hating you.

But sharing isn't immoral it's a moral imperative.

The fact that said consumers lack the lobbying power only makes their actions illegal, not immoral.

Well opinions vary, but to suggest that breaking the law is in itself an immoral and irredeemable act, is naive.

We took the side of the oppressed: blacks, women, gays, the poor and homeless, the environment, and most of all, we protested an illegal and immoral war.

Just as in business, it is possible to use power differentials in ways that are legal but unfair and arguably immoral.

Civil Disobedience is doing the right thing, being willing to take the consequences without a fight, and daring the public to put up with such an immoral system.

It's the price we paid to get to where we are -- thousands of unpopular folks yelling in the wilderness about how we are stupid, wrong, immoral and how we should improve ourselves.

If morality is subjective, then the cop somehow is made moral when doing this, because law somehow conveys morality on otherwise immoral acts.

By the time you were old enough to consider the possibility that diamond-giving is a dumb and arguably immoral tradition, you'd already spend 15 or 20 or 25 years wanting one.

That many of the reasons for intellectual property theft are constructed to allow a person to continue to see themselves as the good guy while doing something they consider immoral.

"Now, the first clause I can kinda see, though "immoral" is weird and there's no standard definition of obscenity in the US, but let that go...what made my eyebrows go up my forehead and down the other side was clause two.

I feel that if you picked some other moral issue - say gay marriage for instance - the majority of us would be of the opinion that the government has no business telling gays that they can't get married because its "immoral.

Unlike guns, which can be manufactured so cheaply and at such a scale that no one organization could hope to stem the tide with markets, vendors can stop immoral abuses of their own software simply by participating more actively in the market.$200,000 sounds like a lot of money, but it's under the cost of one senior headcount at a major software vendor, and vendor cash flows are expressed in high multiples of their total headcount cost.

Immoral definitions


deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong


not adhering to ethical or moral principles; "base and unpatriotic motives"; "a base, degrading way of life"; "cheating is dishonorable"; "they considered colonialism immoral"; "unethical practices in handling public funds"

See also: base