Immature in a sentence as an adjective

It's immature, it doesn't fit quite right yet.

The immature/adolescent way to see it is: "Man, you are going to make $625K!".

Sure, the guys may have been immature, but nothing they said or did was even remotely sexist.

I met some cool people there, but as a whole, it's just an immature bunch of kids who have not grown up and gotten real jobs yet.

That's the appropriate response to this sort of immature ********.

Unity is an immature, alpha-quality piece of work that seems to have been thrown out because of a deadline.

When they're attacking Sony it's "righteous" and "good", when they're attacking companies we like they're "bad" and "immature".

I'm not on the Joyent hate wagon but they certainly come out of this looking hilariously immature.

Skewering someone in public on the Internet like that is immature and irresponsible.

Aaron didn't get end up getting along with Alexis or Steve, who considered him immature, dramatic, and unreliable.

You took it personally by taking things you heard earlier in the day and unleashed it on one person. You have to own up and address that your behavior was immature and irresponsible as a person. You should have turned around and told them you could hear and were offended.

Anyone who would be motivated to read the blog post had first read regretsy's side of the story, wherein Paypal comes across looking petty, immature, and unprofessional.

I was a game programmer at EA for eight years.> The real problem however is not that they are immature when they get in, but that too often they get out once they reach maturity,This is pretty spot-on.

But that doesn't change the fact that the omit-the-semicolons position is absurdly immature hipster posturing that serves no engineering purpose.

Seeing such immature behavior coming from their corporate blog--calling him an "*******", saying he should be fired, insinuating that they wish they could kick him out of the project--has pretty much destroyed the respect I had for the company.

This may sound extreme, but if you're surrounded by ****** bags who make misogynistic jokes and weave rude and immature anecdotes into a work-related presentation, then these "brogrammers" must believe that this behavior is acceptable.

Immature definitions


characteristic of a lack of maturity; "immature behavior"


(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people"

See also: young


not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood"

See also: green unripe unripened


not yet mature


(of birds) not yet having developed feathers; "a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill"

See also: unfledged