Imagination in a sentence as a noun

Fast forward to today, and you have individuals with the imagination and the means to dream big.

I happen to have a window open with the old design, so I know it's not merely my imagination that the new one is worse.

I find it hard to have sympathy for Christopher Tolkien, who hasn't exactly been a model steward of his father's imagination.

But also does not find that Apple has shown that the mark is suggestive, as there appears to be no need for a leap of imagination to understand what the term means.

You're accusing Motorola of copying your imagination of what an unreleased Apple product might look like?

Whether it's culture change due to new hiring, lack of imagination, pressure to excel on their primary project, I'm not sure, but it is disappointing.

He tells one to toss a coin a hundred times and record the sequence of heads and tails, while the others are to write down a sequence they think is random using their imagination.

By what stretch of the imagination is this icon suitable for representing a total loss of availability due to a power outage?

That twisted circular definition captures that something simple and free caught the imagination of millions of people and became something greater than itself.

Am I close?I hope the point made in the above paragraph is self evident, but in case it's not, ask yourself how many of your alternative realities you've actually experienced, and how many are just ideas you've accrued with the blanks liberally filled in by educated guesses and imaginations.

Imagination definitions


the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; "popular imagination created a world of demons"; "imagination reveals what the world could be"

See also: imaginativeness vision


the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"

See also: imaging imagery


the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems; "a man of resource"

See also: resource resourcefulness