Illumine in a sentence as a verb

" In this way, we prepare for "some dim dazzling trick of grace," to borrow a felicitous phrase from Walker Percy, that may illumine our minds and enliven our hearts.

This project was worked on by a very small, dedicated team and the reason why it is championed is because it showcases some of the best facets of the NYT's image: using new tech to illumine the past and bring new insights.

I don't work at the NY Times or any publication; I'm just a concerned reader; so maybe an outside perspective from a IT professional, news junkie and dedicated reader has a little value:> it showcases some of the best facets of the NYT's image: using new tech to illumine the past and bring new insights.

Illumine definitions


make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit"

See also: light illume illuminate