Illegalize in a sentence as a verb

In the same light but in different directions, gay marriage was legalized last week, can a state go ahead and illegalize it?

I wonder how many of them would feel the same if Eich had donated to a campaign to illegalize interracial marriage.

Along comes a drug that gives great power and insight into the emotional state and we illegalize it because a group of kids are abusing it.

By an extension of the harm principle, it could be permissible to illegalize things which cause harm against people in future - the sale of cigarettes, for example.

It'd be more effective for everyone to vote for people that intend to break down and illegalize all of these facial recognition things, if we're all going to organise something anyway.

But I'm not sure the concept is so outrageous; I think most countries illegalize certain behavior overseas, like smuggling, weapons or person trafficking, or corrupting officials.

On what basis do you justify laws which illegalize socially acceptable behaviors, and why do you start what people are entitled to at the law?Surely the law should follow society, rather than society following the law.

Illegalize definitions


declare illegal; outlaw; "Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S."

See also: outlaw criminalize criminalise illegalise