Ill-considered in a sentence as an adjective

Of course, once the plaintiff has won an order; defying it is ... ill-considered.

No, the Times episode was clearly the result of an ill-considered and ill-timed system update that went south.

The action should therefore be dismissed forthwith by the plaintiff as having been ill-considered.

As in, a citizen who was jailed unjustly due to an ill-considered, unconstitutional law, doesn't have standing to challenge that law.

I think you're going to keep getting comments on these ill-considered asides, but here is another problem:"In most assembly languages, data types dont exist.

How ever, many may not be able or willing to express it, especially given the amount of disdain and patronisation fired carelessly at people who feel this way, by people's knee jerk, ill-considered "opinion".If you reply, be careful.

Ill-considered definitions


not given careful consideration; "ill-considered actions often result in disaster"; "an ill-judged attempt"

See also: ill-judged improvident shortsighted