Iguana in a sentence as a noun

Three kids and an iguana?Is this a thinly veiled diss at YC?

A guy next door was feeding his iguana named Eddy.

For example, what if the iguana's somehow have a break built in and do not adapt.

> the iguana is completely docile to all other organisms around it.

In that case, though, it's also possible he was just responding to the iguana thrashing his tail and trying to run away inside his enclosure.

What's even cooler is that the iguana also only eats seaweed and algae, which means it does not need to **** other animals to survive.

What's even cooler is that the iguana also only eats seaweed and algaeSeaweed and algae are organisms as well.

Humans are more general while the galapagos iguana is specialized.

Yeah, sure, I just need to first finish debunking the allegations that Hillary is an blue iguana and then deal with the guy claiming the moon is not vegan.

This suggests strongly that Mungi, iguana, and every other multi-server OS on L4 is a failure on a practical level.

Channeling some heinlein here:If we were all galapagos iguanas, well, then one of us iguanas will find a way to swim or otherwise get to a larger landmass.

There are a few pioneers like Wright and van der Rohe whose fame is well-deserved, and then hoards of half-conscious imitators shouting "let's make Facebook for, uh... iguana owners!".

I'm going to leave aside your points about seaweed evolution and iguana evolution because they are definitely correct and would lead to the collapse of the system I described.

The only reason galapagos iguanas exist is because they are isolated from competition and are adapted to a specific environment.

Apparently YCombinator companies are about 1-4 people minus iguana.

Proper Noun Examples for Iguana

Iguana and gecko look good, but chameleon and huey are a bit off..chameleon gives you 50% more storage and clients than iguana, but costs way more.. $132 would give it about the same relative value, but it's $158..I'm ignoring the number of clients cause I don't believe $26 is a good price for 5 extra clients.

Iguana definitions


large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back; used as human food in Central America and South America