Idiot in a sentence as a noun

Like Notch said... "you are an insane idiot!".

No warning prompt?Fire the idiot who wrote that function.

Wtf did Notch gain by saying "You're an insane idiot"?

"Hey this idiot didn't look hard enough at what we were going to do for him.

The old paradigm is flawed, and you're an idiot for sticking with it!

Half think I'm an idiot for firing myself to avoid harming others who were in someone's crosshairs already.

Any idiot can point to a random part of their anatomy and posit that there's a field of study dedicated to it.

As a former Marine infantryman, and a former Marine PR idiot, I think his numbers are off but a lot of the concepts are right, with a caveat.

The biggest complaint is that when my friends and peers objected to App Engine, its strange requirements and its potential lock in, they were right and I am a ******* naive idiot.

Only someone desperately looking for work and having relatively low skills would willingly take this job, assuming he's not an idiot.

I see the ad hominem "you're an ignorant idiot" attacks already started, along with advice like using regexes to do case-insensitive searches.

He doesn't give any arguments, he throws a lot of insults, he misues words and makes up redundant terms which he then struggles to define.\nThe guy is a vile idiot of the worst kind: ignorant and aggressive.

After all, what executive wants to admit that the man or woman he has been paying high 6 figures to advise him for months is actually a talented actor/mimic at best and an idiot at worst?

Cue 12 months of being an idiot, regularly working weekends and all-nighters to add major features on little notice for meetings with potential customers and developers.

Apply #1, #2, and #3, - a very large organization with idiots who loosely fall under it, and a group of people who look down on anyone who isn't a member, and you get a group of people who are really, really easy to hate.

I get the feeling that at the very top of every Hacker News comment thread, there's someone who claims that the author of the article is an incompetent idiot because they found a factual error somewhere in the article.

Idiot definitions


a person of subnormal intelligence

See also: imbecile cretin moron changeling half-wit retard