Hypothetic in a sentence as an adjective

Nimrod is the one which is closest to my hypothetic ideal language in features.

Often the XX% increase is barely sufficient to cover the mortgage / rent differential for a hypothetic move close to the new workplace.

Those are all of course very hypothetic considerations, but they're probable and fascinating to think about.

I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a better experience, but it's certainly better than being stuck at home waiting for an hypothetic traveling companion.

Let's take the following hypothetic example, which by the way isn't so hypothetical:Your company decides it wants to build its business on mobile phones.

An extreme hypothetic scenario would be that an average college level team, but with prime time Michael Jordan, probably would easily dominate any other team at the same level.

In a straw poll at work some years ago we found that a hypothetic economically liberal, and socially liberal party would handily trounce both Democrats and Republicans.

The author addresses the problem of sustainability of a system to changes by rejecting the core concept of OOD - the reuse - and avoiding the use of DI, just to avoid some hypothetic bug in implementation module.

That's probably true but what if I am in a country where I can't have Netflix and the new AD episodes are just a click away on TPB or some newsgroups ?Should I just wait for an hypothetic way to see them in the future like the old days ?

Very clearly, Spanish's use of the subjunctive very closely follows the hypothetical/unrealized aspect of the content, whereas French's use is less consistent with that aspect, and mostly depends on the locution being used.>I even miss Spanish’ subjunctive future in French!And yet I'm sure you don't have any problems expressing the hypothetical and/or fictious in Spanish, do you?

Hypothetic definitions


based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence; "theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural"; "the supposed reason for his absence"; "suppositious reconstructions of dead languages"; "hypothetical situation"

See also: conjectural divinatory hypothetical supposed suppositional suppositious supposititious