Hypothecate in a sentence as a verb

I did it, I was there...That money wasn't just being hypothecated.

I found that the correct spelling though is "rehypothecated".

Along with that, they can hypothecate any and all equipment that has been purchased in the company's account.

NI isn't hypothecated - the money the government collects through NI is thrown into the pot with almost all other taxes.

I don’t see the problem there, and the hypothecated problem is consistent with many others in America.

Actually the council tax pays for a large proportion of local government spending its not a hypothecated tax.

What if a certain amount the baby tax was hypothecated to planting trees, to offset the extra CO2 that that individual would produce?

Won't Wall St find a way to securitize and infinitely re-hypothecate the vote?If I bring a big sack of money to the polls, can I purchase additional votes on election day?

The agent must formulate a mental model of the relation in order to hypothecate the presence of necessity / causality between a pair of events.

In which case you believe the Finnish Broadcasting Company is now a government spokes-channel, no?Does it not make a difference that it's set up as an hypothecated tax, where revenue from the Yle tax is dedicated to go to Yleisradio?

I recently went through the process in India and was quite surprised at the amount of rigour - the bank requested a lot of information including grades since high school, discussed potential earnings and requested that the familial home be hypothecated to the bank.

Hypothecate definitions


pledge without delivery or title of possession


to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"

See also: speculate theorize theorise conjecture hypothesize hypothesise suppose