Hydrodynamics in a sentence as a noun

The hydrodynamics text is very clear and concise.

On top of that, hydrodynamics imposes more important constraints on shape.

I guess that nowadays the state of the art are these new Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics models.

It's oddly encouraging that there are still frontiers of knowledge in places like hydrodynamics.

Does that mean we can't model hydrodynamics without accounting for quantum mechanics in the H2O molecule?

I'm not well versed in hydrodynamics, but I imagine the smaller contact area with the water would reduce drag for the initial launch phase as well.

It seems like this is quite a bit like trying to model the hydrodynamics of a river flowing by going down to the quantum mechanical properties of water and dirt.

In web pages, inserting a single DOM node can trigger a huge change, making it more like simulating hydrodynamics that the common solids found in videogames.

SimCity 5 tries to go all-in and simulate the hydrodynamics of each particle - but has to cut so many corners to run that it doesn't even look like smoke anymore.

Basically it was a question of hydrodynamics, which could be tackled using certain well-known systems of differential equations.

My knowledge of hydrodynamics is somewhat limited, but I do have a fairly good understanding of aerodynamics and a lot of that stuff is transferable.

Comparing hydrodynamics and aerodynamics here is not quite comparing apples to apples: I expect much less surface area is exposed to water on a ship than exposed to air on a train, and speed are lower.

There's nothing wrong with creating illusions of complexity, but if you hype up your game for months by saying that the smoke really is real-time smoothed particle hydrodynamics, it had better not turn out to just be a couple of sprites.

Hydrodynamics definitions


study of fluids in motion

See also: hydrokinetics