Humongous in a sentence as an adjective

MongoDB is called that because it's supposed to be for "humongous" data sets.

This is a humongous dick move, and either they're very shady or they are extremely angry at you.

I am a humongous fan of the Kindle Cloud Reader and iOS interfaces, and I believe they're designed very well.

Among other things, WEB used a single humongous Pascal packed array of char for all of its strings; and that was what Knuth wrote TeX and Metafont in.

Let's just encrypt everything and have those ******* deal with humongous amounts of data, most of which will be completely useless.

I'm sure that is even more of an issue for a device with such a humongous screen -- it'll take you twice as long to read an entire screen of information.

I think Apple's happy that there's finally a reason for people without humongous music collections to pay $200 for 64MB of flash memory.

I think they do a great job, I think they have some of the smartest people working in government right now, and I think the country owes a humongous amount of gratitude towards them.

The size and complexity of that tech stack is humongous, to the extent that a large proportion of those who use it don't understand it more than two layers of abstraction down.

Besides the humongous amount of money they donated, often times it was Rotarians who traveled to these countries to administer the vaccine to children.

What's the point of having a humongous pendrive if you need two days to copy its contents?Unfortunately it's not as simple as price and size, with the advertised speeds tending to be higher than measured.

Besides that it's not in silicon valley, it made huge progress in a notoriously difficult yet humongous service category: local and small business marketing.

Humongous definitions


(used informally) very large; "a thumping loss"

See also: banging thumping whopping walloping