Humectant in a sentence as a noun

Pdf Adding a humectant helps a lot when it comes to preventing dry/cracked skin.

Yes it does strip the oils, but a proper bar of soap deposits glycerin which acts as a humectant in the same way that those oils do. I've made my own bar soap for many years now and the only dry skin problems I get is the skin on my shins drying out during winter months -- an area that I don't actively wash with soap.

Part of problem with retooling for consumer TP is that a lot of commercial TP is lower grade than consumers are used to at home; often barely meeting the definition of “two ply”, not soft or doped with humectants. It is not simple to retool a commercial bulk TP supplier into a consumer TP supplier, they at least need some different inputs.

Humectant definitions


any substance that is added to another substance to keep it moist