Hullabaloo in a sentence as a noun

Remember the hullabaloo just after the Boston bomber lit off the bomb but wasn't caught yet?

Now, if only someone could finally reveal to me what "hullabaloo mode" did in Fast Lightning, a disk copy program for the Amiga...

"I'm reminded of the current hullabaloo about Boko Haram and the kidnapping of several hundred girls from a school."Yes.

Then if you imagine how long the Internet has existed compared to the universe, all of this hullabaloo on HN becomes even funnier .

It's still more efficient than traditional post, and I'm guessing there wouldn't be this level of hullabaloo if that had been the mode of communication.

There was recently some hullabaloo in the economics blogosphere of the place of IS-LM in economics pedagogy.

So why the hullabaloo?Do you consider yourself an intelligent person such that upon reflection you might be able to come up with at least a couple of possible answers to your own question?

If the stock of a company you are an insider of is heavily shorted and you think it's cheap and you actually believe it as opposed to want to create a huge hullabaloo, you can go out and buy it, make noise about the fact that you are buying it.

Is this information the NSA could've attained left to their own devices, or is this sort of stuff only accessible with help from service providers, eg Facebook and Google?What I'm trying to ask is: with all the hullabaloo Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc have made about individual, manual reviews of information requests, are we still being lied to?

Hullabaloo definitions


disturbance usually in protest

See also: agitation excitement turmoil upheaval