Huddle in a sentence as a noun

Do they huddle around the mean, or are there very positive outliers?

Somebody pages the team, emails start flying, there's a huddle to figure out how to fix it.

I mean, what else are we supposed to do, huddle in our hotel room until our flight tomorrow?

I found it on my iPhone by searching for "google social huddle" as that seems to hit the description.

Huddle in a sentence as a verb

' I could lean in to whisper with a friend here and there, or even put on some face paint and huddle together with like-faced friends to form a group.

People are very accommodating though, a huddle of women would sometimes form around her to set things right if it was slipping off!

I miss waking up on Xmas to a foot of snow, despite not enjoying snow, and having to huddle around a fire to warm up after being outside.

Huddle definitions


(informal) a quick private conference

See also: powwow


a disorganized and densely packed crowd; "a huddle of frightened women"


crowd or draw together; "let's huddle together--it's cold!"


crouch or curl up; "They huddled outside in the rain"

See also: cower