Horseshoe in a sentence as a noun

Does anyone know what the two horseshoe looking things are in the bottom left of the RTR8600 die?

Read close: the "horseshoe" is only relative to Earth itself.

* The horseshoe inductor is just a spiral inductor that only has one loop, and is consequently shaped like a horseshoe.

Smale's horseshoe map would be another apt equation, since it succinctly describes the dynamics of chaotic systems, through the twisting and warping of the map.

Horseshoe in a sentence as a verb

They are the horseshoe manufacturers and the model T has just been invented; just because they start making tires doesn't mean that they wouldn't be much happier if cars had never become invented.

Such a conclusion would indicate sloppy work, a single misplaced piece of paper could not have had these consequences within an organization such as MIT. For want of a horseshoe the kingdom was lost, but this is not the 14th century and enough people knew about this case that I highly doubt a single piece of paper could have had that effect.

I use mythtv at home to skip legacy TV network commercials; coming up with an exciting new technology to tailor TV commercials to me, which I'm going to skip anyway, sounds very much like horseshoe mfgrs trying to tailor their horseshoes to appeal to the new automobile invention a century or so ago. If no one's looking out the window any more, why spend all that money on signs?

""He unveiled the existence of a studio, built in collaboration with Boston’s public television station, that allows a professor to stand in a pit before a horseshoe of 60 digital “tiles,” or high-definition screens with the live images and voices of geographically dispersed participants.

Horseshoe definitions


game equipment consisting of an open ring of iron used in playing horseshoes


U-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof

See also: shoe


equip (a horse) with a horseshoe or horseshoes