Horsefly in a sentence as a noun

Back in the day, I was living next to a guy who had horses and got bitten by a horsefly.

I'm so hungry I could eat a horsefly""That depends on how long we have to chase you around for"

Did some research furiously about the whole horsefly thing.

Show me the data where a zebra's fecundity is related to the number of horsefly bites it receives.

See, I'm with you in the primary portion of this statement- if we're in a simulation, it doesn't make us any less 'real' - it doesn't matter whether I'm made of atoms or the stray thoughts of a passing horsefly.

Disclosure: I wrote for PC Mag in London for a while, so there's a bit of collegiality at work, but I've always seen him as a gadfly - a literary nickname for the horsefly, an annoying creature that buzzes and has a painful bite, but which perform useful functions of pollination, providing forensic evidence, and contribute to the weeding out evolutionary misfits.

Horsefly definitions


winged fly parasitic on horses


large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals

See also: cleg clegg