Horror in a sentence as a noun

When I did so, to my horror I found that the entire system was bricked.

He's told me horror stories about their code base that would make your hair stand up.

It's sorta like when you watch a horror movie that just throws in a loud noise all of a sudden to startle you.

Oh the horror stories I've heard:- a software house whose biggest client found out that they were 75% of their business.

Progress may be slowed, but it's still happening and happening with fewer horror stories along the way.

I can only imagine the horror, the way kids of going to deal with the text walls full of verbosity, API dance and the XML mess.

Just look up horror stories of how Filipina maids are treated in Qatari households.

Came here hoping for a particle accelerator horror story.

The change in personality was dramatic, creepy, and like something out of a horror movie.

I expected to agree with you, but I just felt mounting horror, outrage and a realisation that things are beyond a line I never knew existed.

I predict the world will evolve techniques and customs to protect against this sort of thing, and look back on our era with pity and horror because we didn't have them.

Chicago judges are elected, and each election cycle, papers and blogs run horror stories about incompetent judges who no rational elector could vote for.

Everyone recoils in horror at how complicated and over-designed generation 1 is.

You won't get the awesome feel of the beveled edges, or the nice solid feeling of a thin but reasonably weighted piece of equipment, but definitely get a case lest you watch in horror as your shiny new phone crashes onto your hard tile bathroom floor after sliding off the granite counter top like a magical hovercraft.

Horror definitions


intense and profound fear


something that inspires dislike; something horrible; "the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him"


intense aversion

See also: repugnance repulsion revulsion