Horrid in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds like an excellent law to stop the horrid practices in so many online shops.

One of the horrid things about law is how it can be dissembled by those whose job is to practice it.

Oh yes, what a horrid selfish man, trying to feed his family and make a business for himself.

In fact, it's such a pleasure then when you hit something that wasn't really well designed it's horrid.

I'm not sure if this is a straw man or not - but how can they justify working with an entity that has such a horrid human rights record?

So now crimes committed by the government cannot be challenged because the government never intended anyone to find out about it - thats a horrid peace of law.

She showed incredibly horrid judgment in how she initiated the situation and continued to display horrid judgement in her handling of it.

If companies paid well enough that moving to the bay area wasn't horrid financially, they'd find plenty of software engineering talent already in the united states.

Plus then there is the human aspect - someone at Kickstarter is sat there seeing these horrid things being posted and thinking "wow, that must be really upsetting".So they delete the project - which could have been handled better, admittedly.

Full of horrid legacy systems that are built to ****-- specifically, to be "interesting" enough to merit a promotion for the original architect, who then moves on before it goes into maintenance phase and falls to pieces.

Horrid definitions


exceedingly bad; "when she was bad she was horrid"


grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror; "subjected to outrageous cruelty"; "a hideous pattern of injustice"; "horrific conditions in the mining industry"

See also: hideous horrific outrageous