Homebound in a sentence as a noun

Traffic does keep me homebound here quite often.

For the homebound it is no issue, but for most working people it's easier to just stop by the store on the way home.

Chat with your friends and family who can't or won't visit you in the real world; make new friends who would never befriend a homebound 78-year-old in the real world.

Homebound in a sentence as an adjective

My 70+ year old parents are homebound for last 5+ months, and their overall physical and mental health from lack of physical and social activities have significantly gone down, to the point I expect if this goes on another 6 months or more I might lose at least one of my parents.

So, homebound, and lacking necessary medicine, portable oxygen, his health deteriorated until he needed hospitalization.

Homebound definitions


people who are confined to their homes


confined usually by illness

See also: housebound shut-in