Hogwash in a sentence as a noun

In many of these cases, the entire premise is hogwash.

"I think you know what it is: its to change the world"This is such hogwash and brainwashing.

" Clearly hogwash, but in the end, I didn't press charges for two reasons.

It sounds as fake as supposed facts like we only use 10 percent of our brains, or other hogwash.

>They’re caused by culture, and luck and magicIs this an example of the non-'hogwash' way of reasoning about reality?

The reason I think it's hogwash is that, application compatibility being equal, people would actually prefer to run Linux over Windows.

I don't care whether you agree/disagree with the ruling/courts as written, I care to have a discussion or see good points on either side of the debate, not hogwash vomited forth for emotionally charged arguments.

Hogwash definitions


unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)

See also: bunk bunkum buncombe guff