Hill in a sentence as a noun

The whole "city on a hill" idea and what have you.

That hill climbing algorithm would fudge variables left and right.

Oh man what an interesting question!The short answer is that a tall hill or mountain represents a broad elevation change that's contiguous with the surrounding landscape.

Hill in a sentence as a verb

It would take extensive use of brainwashing and belief in fairy tales about an enlightened government, a city on hill exceptional-ism or what-have-you to think these don't happen.

I'm not even disagreeing with the fact that this company has been extremely influential, and I did enjoy reading their book - but appointing yourself king of the hill while casually dismissing technology you don't agree with as being lower level, that's just bad form.

Hill definitions


a local and well-defined elevation of the land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"


structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones; "they built small mounds to hide behind"

See also: mound


United States railroad tycoon (1838-1916)

See also: Hill


risque English comedian (1925-1992)

See also: Hill


(baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands

See also: mound


form into a hill