Hexagram in a sentence as a noun

As there are 8 of these symbols, there are 64 hexagrams.

Neat how the Clock 23 descrip goes right along with hexagram 23 of the I Ching.

In each case when they asked a question, I threw the coins and wrote the hexagram lines they got.

Kind of off topic, but I have been looking at I Ching hexagrams as design patterns for life.

We see math everywhere in nature, like this hexagram.

Did the ancient oracles use hexagrams or just tripods?

Anyways, the result was the worst I-ching hexagram you could possibly get.

You'll have one hexagram change into another, with the lines providing nuanced details to the "meaning".

Instead of a binary yes/no decision, the various positions of the i ching means you have a wider range of "oracular" output - 64 hexagrams to be exact.

The arrangements of these 64 hexagrams make a modern math mind speculate about binary counting and the reason for a particular ordering [1] and it all seems very orderly and balanced and evenly distributed.

"But it’s like one of the bronze mirrors from the Shang dynasty, now covered in a dark blue-green patina so that it doesn’t reflect at all."Perhaps the input signal from the hexagrams relates to a culture so remote from the modern world that it tells us little about ourselves now.

''It was much like an ordinary pocket calculator, except that the LCD screen was a little larger than usual, in order to accommodate the abridged judgments of King Wen on each of the sixty-four hexagrams, and also the commentaries of his son, the Duke of Chou, on each of the lines of the hexagram.

Hexagram definitions


a regular polygon formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon to form two equilateral triangles