Heterogenous in a sentence as an adjective

At the time, I was maintaining several heterogenous RPM-based systems, so that was the comparison.

But be that as a it may, for whatever reason, this type of tool doesn't actually get created that often in more heterogenous environments.

The problem is that this is pretty heavy machinery and is not always well-suited to such a simple problem as a heterogenous list.

They aren't nearly rich enough to do the things that Typed Clojure does - think about less trivial examples like type checking heterogenous maps.

We need to keep /usr/share separate from /usr/bin, the rationale continues, because our network might be heterogenous in executable formats.

"I dont want no glue - the web is one platform, time to stop forcing us to treat it as a collection of heterogeneous components".No, the web is a collection of heterogenous components - stop trying to force everyone to treat is as one platform.

I find there are just so many programming conveniences in Python that I wish I had in Go - list comprehensions, negative slice indexes, for- and with-statements over user-defined data types, heterogenous dictionaries, easy duck-typing.

Heterogenous definitions


consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature; "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous"

See also: heterogeneous


originating outside the body

See also: heterogeneous